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Home / Shop / Memberships

CHF 4.50
Every month
Receive my complete gratitude for your investment in my creative journey and access personal life updates and other news.
Valid until canceled

Foodie FanClub
CHF 11.50
Every month
1- Access to the Gratitude group.
2- Access an ever-growing collection of delicious recipes and other food-related articles in the Foodie FanClub.
Valid until canceled

🎨 Art FanClub
CHF 11.50
Every month
1- Access to the Gratitude group.
2- Get a closer look at my creative process and enjoy other art-related articles in the Art FanClub.
Valid until canceled

The tribe
CHF 18.50
Every month
Access all content inside the Gratitude, Foodie FanClub & Art FanClub groups
+ Join a private group where I sell selected original art pieces that will not be in the shop.
Valid until canceled
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